i dunno what's happening but all i can say is i think i got a bad jinx on me or something like that zzz... first my phone got stolen....

then now my house got robbed !!!!! every single room in my house got ransacked =(

all my money is gone, my mom's jewelry gone, my bro's handphone gone, my LCD tv gone !!!!!!!!!

what the heck ????

i'm getting tired of this lolx~
btw police did come to my house for a check and manage to get some fingerprints (that i doubt is mine lol)...
nowadays thieves and burglars and robbers r so neighbourhood is a closed security area and the robbers still able to rob my house without the security noticing them !!!
what a world ;(
and the next 2 days my classmate's car got stolen right in front of the school (not exactly in front though) and i was like "what !!!!???"
i'm telling u guys all out there better bcareful coz u're no way to be able to know when's the next illegal things they might do....

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    before NS, robbers got into my house, but when they were already in my house, I woke up. We fought each others, very terrible, horrible story.... just some days before going to MSHC...

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