been to Penang and back !!! well, like 5days what ???

i went to Gurney Plaza, which is equivalent to Mid Valley, to have shopping !!! and i have my very 1st Starbucks coffee there XD i drank Dark Cherry Frappucino hahahaha~ which was the daily special.......

went to an isolated area where there's a restaurant that serves delicious cheese LOBSTER. OMG !!! not sure 'bout the name of the restaurant though hehe =)

this DKNY bag is NICE NICE NICE !!!!!! i wanted to get 1 but it can be only given to those who buy 2 sets of perfumes which worth RM100 something each ! lolx~~~
FYi it's not for sale either zzzzzzzzzzzzz.........

this is the DKNY new perfume container whick looks exactly like an apple XD creative huh ?!

been shopping hahahahahahahahaha~ PDI has lots of offers !!!! call me cheap !!! but who can stand gorgeous clothes with the price of "cheaper than normal" ???? haha~

that's my cousin, Sook May, trying to imitate the model of a perfume ad lolx~~~

Sook May again in a temple where we started taking nice views with us in it of course =P

same view....but hey, different model !!!

my hands are small c0ompared to the temple ! look ^^^^^ =P

that's about it hehehehe.....
xoxo whateva


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