well if u were asking "if u like kelly so much, y didn u buy her CD?"..well think again...coz i dun have to, i've won her album from local radio station !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lucky lucky me XD

the lips at the back of the cover is GLOSSY =)

this is the service they've used to send me her CD =)

well....FLYFM is the radio station i've won it from hahaha~~~

BTW, her 2nd single is going to be released and it's called "I Do Not Hook Up" composed by Kara DioGuardi and surprise surprise, Katy Perry XD

and i wanna thank my friend for helping me to buy this Sophie Kinsella's new book called "Remember Me?". in case u haven't notice, she's the author of the best-selling book-turn-motion picture --- Confessions of A Shopaholic !!!!

xoxo whateva XD

1 Comment:

  1. alex said...
    I would have keep the CD casing on the rack... It really pretty...

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