hey frens y'all...its a very coooooling morning today....i wasn't getting any real sleep coz i'm stil thinking about how would i'd be when i go for ns ! anyway i wanna tell u all something really really REALLY funny ! it was 2 days ago that i went to a government hospital for a medical check-up...then the doctor ordered me to have a urine test duh ! so i went to the counter n ask for a plastic cup for "u know wat!"... then i asked the nurse where i should do the "u know wat !"...mayb i've mistaken her direction o watsoever so i went to a normal toilet to do "that thing"...then i hav to carry the plastic cup full of "u know wat !" passing through lik 50-100 ppl in the hospital juz to walk to the counter....its lik the longest walk ever n i was blushing coz its really embarassing u know ! and so when i pass the plastic cup to the nurse i've only found out that there was a place specially for ppl doin blood o urine test n its juz nex to the counter n guess wat ? no need to pass through lotzzz of ppl coz there was a place right there for u to put ur plastic cup in the "special toilet" ! i was lik omg !!! hahaz....anyway peace y'all !


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