lol...hi everyone !!! merry christmas to everyone first of all hehe...hope y'all hav a fun n great christmas lolx...i'm going for national service dy this coming saturday and u guess wat ??? i hav to cut the same old hair style again...crew cut !!! haha...anyway i've been having a lot of fun wif my friends and as i told y'all earlier...i'll miss them until the day i "go" somewhere else and hope that we'll stil be in contact wif each other !!! i love y'all friends and y'all the best i've ever had !!! not to mention too...i miss my parents n family lik grandma n cousins a lot and i mean A LOT !!! haha... i hope that i'll meet n make a lot of friends there in hoping that the whole experience will be joyful for me !!! i'm going till nex year march i'll be away for lik 2 n a half months...

so here...i wanna hope my frens happy new year n chinese new year too haha...i'll be back soon to write my blog n i hope i can share my wonderful experience wif y'all !!! haha...

peace y' friends

1 Comment:

  1. - ģяaceliм™ - said...
    yo fren...gonna miss ya lotsa too.You take good care of yourself also lah..and please get me some cute guys phone number know my taste rite ? =D

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