hey y'all !!! today i went shopping again...yay !!! but something happened....(go figure!)
my windows live messenger is corrupted with VIRUS !!! so i can't chat wif my beloved frens that makes me sober u know ?! actually i received 1 file from my fren which i thought was a picture...then when i opened it...virus came along n my messenger keep sending the very same file to all my contacts...haiz.....

now the day of going to national service is getting nearer n nearer...i've started to pack all (well ! not all !) my stuffs...without even hav the chance to say bye bye now since my messenger had virus, i'll remember y'all my beloved frens at all times n hope we can stil be in contact after i came back from ns ya !!! afterall, we're best buddies hahaz....

so all i can do now is hav connection wif my frens through blog o frenster n hp lo...lolx....i really really REALLY miss y'all...although i've said it lik a MILLION times, i stil wanna say i miss y'all...

don't ever forget me ya my friends !!! or else i'll come find you to remind u coz i'm desperate hav a friend that remember me i mean hehe...

hav fun ya y'all !!! i'll maybe write again in this blog lik after 3 months ?! hehe...

-peace out-

with love,
low_harng a.k.a old_harng=)


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