hey y'all !!! omg ! i'm feelin very down today coz i did something that was totally wrong ! I RELEASED MY RAGE AT MY DAD !!! and i could never forgive myself for doing that because he n my mom were the one who always care for me but one thing is for sure is that i din't appreciate it...duh ! from the way i acted sob... i really regret though...i'm lik wanting to burst into tears right now writing this was a small matter but the hot-tempered me ( yea guess wat !?) juz couldn't resist letting off my rage n ( tada !) my dad is the one who got a taste of my rage ! i was really sorry but its kinda hard for me to say it to him but at the deep end of my heart, i'll always love him n cherish every moment i spent with him...its juz somehow proves that i'm an unworthy son n problematic ! so...i'm writing this blog coz i felt that its lik a way for me to relieve my sorrow n regrets but i know that its the best way to tell my parents that i'm sorry face to face... but yet still, its kinda hard comin out from my mouth...i'm sorry ! I'M TERRIBLY SORRY, PARENTS !


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